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Extra! Extra! The News of the Day

The First Ceremonial Actions of the Impeachment Trial Have Begun!

Thursday, January 16, the seven members of the House chosen to be the "Prosecutors" for Donald Trump's Impeachment Trial in the Senate marched together to the Senate Chamber to present the Articles of Impeachment.

Tuesday, January 21:  The first day has ended, and as feared, every single motion made by Schumer to request documents or call witnesses was "tabled," which probably means it will not happen. The Republicans didn't seem to really even try to make a case, while the Democrats managed to present their entire case as a back up for the motions they made. All we can  hope is that the American public was listening, learned some new things, and will punish the Republicans, and specifically Donald Trump, at the polls. The House Managers' Brief is compelling. You can read it HERE.


New Evidence Revealed in Rachel Maddow Show Interview

Go to MSNBC, Wednesday night Rachel Maddow show, and find the interview with Parnas. This includes a treasure trove of new information, and first hand testimony. Parnas is exceedingly clear about one thing:  Donald Trump was completely "in" on the scheme to withhold money from the Ukraine if they did not help him smear the Bidens.

The Growing List of Trump’s Violations of U.S. Law and the Constitution

Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe (@tribelaw) lists

Trump’s growing list of potential and/or current violations:

•  Bribery (18 U.S.C. §201)

•  Soliciting Foreign Campaign Contribution (52 U.S.C. §§30109,30121)

•  Coercion of Political Activity (18 U.S.C. §610)

•  Misappropriation of Federal Funds (18 U.S.C. §641)

•  Obstruction of Congress (18 U.S.C. §§1505, 1512)

•  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations - RICO Act

   (18 U.S.C. §§1961-1968)

•  Anti-Espionage Act (18 U.S.C. §794)

Many thanks to Denise Fachko, Indivisible OC 39, for this list!


An Excellent Article on How Democrats

Can Win

Check out this important oped from the NY Times.  nytimes.com/2020/01/09/opinion/voter-turnout-2020.html/

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